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John Hinckley, Jr. and the Insanity Defense: The Public\u27s Verdict

机译:小约翰·欣克利(John Hinckley)与精神错乱的辩护:公众的判决



Public furor over the Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity verdict in the trial of John Hinckley, Jr. already has stimulated legal changes in the insanity defense. This study documents more systematically the dimensions of negative public opinion concerning the Hinckley verdict. A survey of Delaware residents shortly after the trial\u27s conclusion indicated that the verdict was perceived as unfair, Hinckley was viewed as not insane, the psychiatrists\u27 testimony at the trial was not trusted, and the vast majority thought that the insanity defense was a loophole. However, survey respondents were unable to define the legal test for insanity and thought Hinckley would be confined only a short period of time, contrary to the estimates of experts. These findings, in conjunction with other research showing the public is not well informed about the insanity defense, underscore the importance of examining determinants of opinion about the insanity defense before additional reform is undertaken.
机译:在小约翰·欣克利(John Hinckley,Jr.)的审判中,公众对因“精神错乱而未定罪”一案表示愤怒,已经刺激了精神错乱辩护的法律变更。这项研究更加系统地记录了有关欣克利判决的负面舆论的维度。审判结束后不久对特拉华州居民进行的一项调查表明,该判决被认为是不公平的,欣克利被认为并非疯狂,审判中的精神科医生的证词不可信,绝大多数人认为精神错乱的辩护是一个漏洞。但是,受访者无法定义对精神错乱的法律检验,并且认为欣克利将仅在短时间内被限制,这与专家的估计相反。这些发现与其他研究表明,公众对精神错乱防御的了解并不充分,强调了在进行进一步改革之前检查有关精神错乱防御的决定因素的重要性。



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